How to reduce your bounce rate: Best tips that work

Accepting the fact that your bounce rate is high can be a difficult pill to swallow. On the surface it may seem to you that your website has everything a customer will ever need, but it is not that easy.How to reduce your bounce rate: Best tips that work

The bounce rate in digital marketing is one of many factors that determine how your work is being perceived by audiences. If it is high for some reason and you are not able to stay your target audience, there are always ways to improve the situation to reduce the bounce rate – the basics.

What is the bounce rate?

The bounce rate is part of internet marketing terminology terminology. It refers to the percentage of customers who leave a particular website without visiting any subsequent pages.

Customers click on the link and basically leave the site, without doing any work whatsoever. It is used to analyze how the traffic of a particular website is functioning.

What is the average bounce rate by industry + a good bounce rate?

You might be wondering what is a good bounce rate? Okay, the general rule of thumb is:

80% + is very bad
70 – 80% is poor
50 – 70% is the average
30 – 50% is excellent
A probability of 20% or less is a tracking error (due to duplicate analytics code, incorrect implementation of tracking events, third-party addons such as live chat plugins).

Although the above matrix is ​​good for starting, the bounce rate varies across industries and the type of material you have.

Take a look at the chart below to see the industry’s average bounce rate:

Industry average bounce rate
If you have a higher than average bounce rate, this may be one of the many reasons such as slow load time, poor navigation, poor design, poor usability, lack of clear call-to-action, etc.

Let’s take a look at how to improve your bounce rate.

How to reduce your bounce rate?

Identifying and fixing problems with your landing pages can easily fix your high bounce rate problem. We will walk you through some of the most common pitfalls of high bounce rates and how to fix them.

Before you begin, it is a good idea to identify your top pages with the highest bounce rate. You can do this by going to Google Analytics and clicking on Behavior »Site Content» Landing Page.

to reduce your bounce rate: Best tips that work

How to reduce your bounce rate: Best tips that work here we go:

1. Keep page load time to a minimum:

Imagine this, someone clicks on a link to your website, but then they have to wait ages for it to load. What do you think they will do next? Go to another website. This is why your page loading time should be kept to a minimum which in turn helps you in reducing the bounce rate on your website.

As per the reports, it has been observed that in every passing second sale you make up 7% of the sales, and in terms of customer satisfaction it falls by 16%.

2. Get help with smart formatting:

When a page loads and you’re looking for something, your eyes first search in short paragraphs or go through a list of bullet points. This is because in this format, information is more easily consumable.

Even if you put all of your research into it and publish quality content, it makes no sense if it is presented in the vast majority of the text and the audience is not able to easily understand it.

To reduce the bounce rate for your website, make sure you are:

  • Headings and subheadings make your content easier to break and understand.
  • Get help with this kind of list or bullet point
  • Add pictures / videos / infographics for the benefit of the audience.

3. A / B Testing + Targeted Landing Page:

It is possible that your title or call-to-action is not working. This is why it is important for A / B testing.

Use different content strategies on each page and run an A / B segmentation test to see how each of them performs.You can also create different landing pages, target different audiences, regions, keywords, etc.

If you are serving an international audience, you can locate a user’s location and show them a local landing page. Showing content to users in their own language, currency and cultural background improves the user experience.

4. Use Video to Engage Your Audience:

Videos are highly engaging and attract more attention than text or images. You can use full screen video as the background, or add in front of your call of action.

Google Photos website using full screen video background
Videos are powerful. You can use animation, music, audio, narration, color, and lots of persuasion tools.You can make a very effective video presentation with a small budget by hiring a freelancer.

5. Adapt ruthlessly to relevance:

In addition to failing to follow page load time or technically best practices, one of the biggest contributing factors to high bounce rates is relevance – or impropriety.

Some sites target certain keywords very effectively, only to serve content that is best relevant to that query, or at worst irrelevant to it. If the page you are not directly related to a user’s query, you can almost guarantee that they are about to bounce. For this reason, it is important that you optimize for relevance above all other considerations.

6. Re-Creating Your Product Pages:

Product pages can be difficult to obtain. Provide too much information and you put your visitors at huge risk. Offer very little and your prospects may not feel it, because they have enough information to make an informed decision. However, if you spend a little time looking at product pages, you will probably see many opportunities for optimization, which can not only decrease bounce rates, but improve conversion rates.

The conclusion:

The ‘bounce’ from your website should never stop you from doing your best. If there is a problem, a solution is never far behind. The rise in the bounce rate is not the end of the world, and the solution to this problem is simplified by the ten easy steps above. To reduce the bounce rate for your website make sure to implement them and watch them end to end. Contact us at 1Weblab, a digital marketing company in Delhi NCR, India to help you improve the bounce rate of your website.


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